Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jonathan Lewis vs. Kyle Hailey -- Tune-In for the Tune-Off!

According to Jonathan Lewis, there is a basic strategy to writing efficient SQL, but it requires knowledge of the data, the metadata, and the intent of the query. Jonathan will start with the basic principles of efficient data access and then show different ways of analyzing the data. He'll then describe a graphical approach to finding the most efficient access path for a query and then apply the method to a problem he recently saw with one of his clients.


But wait... is there more than one way to skin a cat? Kyle Hailey thinks so, and he's not afraid to let Jonathan know it!
Kyle's fancy footwork will include his own approach to Visual SQL Tuning (VST) with some ring side support from DB Optimizer XE. Hitting below the belt? You be the judge.

Live! June 10, 2010 at 11AM Pacific


About the Contenders:

Jonathan Lewis
Consultant, Speaker and Author

Jonathan Lewis has been working in the IT industry for nearly 25 years, and has been using the Oracle RDBMS for more than 20. For the last 16 years he has been working as a freelance consultant, often spending only one or two days at a time with any client to address critical performance problems. Jonathan is also renowned throughout the world (having visited 42 countries at the last count) for his tutorials and seminars. He was a founding member of the Oak Table network, and one of the first individuals to be contacted by Oracle University for their "Celebrity Seminar" events. He also writes regularly for the UKOUG magazine, and occasionally for other publications around the world. In the limited amount of time he has left over, Jonathan also publishes high-tech Oracle articles on his blog at

Kyle Hailey
Program Manager, Database Performance and Optimization Products
Embarcadero Technologies

Kyle Hailey has been in the industry for a decade and a half and working with Oracle for over 13 years, having spent time in support, porting, benchmarking, and kernel development at Oracle. After creating tools to improve high-end performance monitoring such as direct SGA attach and interactive graphic displays of performance data, he recently redesigned the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g performance pages to be graphically oriented and wait-interface centric. He now works at Embarcadero on their suite of performance tuning and monitoring tools. He is a member of the Oak Table and co-author of Oracle insights: Tales of the Oak Table. He is also a regular speaker at Hotsos, NoCOUG, RMOUG, NYOUG, Oracle World and Dbforum and he teaches classes around the world on Oracle performance tuning.

Ultimate SQL Tune-Off

Java and Database Performance Optimization

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