Embarcadero DB Optimizer, the SQL profiling and SQL turning tool, lets you quickly discover, diagnose, and optimize poor-performing SQL. By discovering data-intensive or frequently executed queries, focusing in on specific SQL statements through query statistics (i.e., CPU, I/O, wait times), and optimizing any problematic statements, DB Optimizer eliminates performance bottlenecks.
- Eliminate performance bottlenecks in production databases and applications
- Prevent poor-performing SQL from reaching production
- Develop, test, profile, and tune SQL in a single easy-to-use IDE
SQL Tuner lets you view cost details on collections of SQL statements you add to a tuning session. As a means of identifying bottlenecks or problem queries, SQL Tuner lets you:
- View high-level explain plan costs for statements as well as offering the option to view operation-by-operation explain plan details
- Generate execution statistics such as CPU time as well as Read and Sort details
- Work with automatically-generated SQL Optimizer hint-based variations on all statements in a tuning session
Used as a development aid, SQL Tuner lets you fine tune queries before putting them into production. As a maintenance tool, SQL Tuner can help you isolate and optimize queries in production systems.
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